Resonanz, our “choir within the choir,” brings a small group of our singers to schools for educational programs for students in grades 3-12. We have visited City schools with songs featuring the achievements of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman, including carefully researched commentary. Resonanz also sings abridged renditions of ROS concert repertoire at local libraries, taking great music to new audiences. Repertoire has included the Douglass/Tubman program and Karl Jenkins’ “The Peacemakers”.

ROCMusic Collaborative
With support from ROS, ROCMusic Collaborative is now offering vocal lessons (middle school level) and a choir for grades 1-3. Learn more.

Paid Performance Opportunities for Students
The Rochester Oratorio Society offers a limited number of paid participation opportunities for high school and college students who qualify to sing with ROS for a concert cycle ($125 for each
concert cycle) or a whole season ($500/year). Audition required. Choral Scholarship recipients will learn new music and share the stage as fully functioning members of ROS.
Mentoring and printed music will be provided in addition to the cash award. Letters of recommendation will be provided for recipients upon successful completion of their time singing with ROS.
We welcome applications for paid performance opportunities with rolling admission. For more information, e-mail the Rochester Oratorio Society Office at info@rossings.org, or call (585) 473-2234. Please share with any high school or college students who may be interested!
Choral Scholars and Choral Fellows Program
The Rochester Oratorio Society’s Choral Scholars and Choral Fellows Program welcomes vocal music educators and their students to sing with the Rochester Oratorio Society for one or more concert cycle(s) of the year. Participating teachers can apply for professional development credit, if available, through their individual schools.
Choral Scholars – This program, established in 2008, is offered to experienced High School and College level singers who are interested in rehearsing and performing with ROS for a concert cycle or a whole season.
Choral Fellows – This program is offered to Choir Directors, Music Educators and Voice Teachers. Rochester area music teachers and church choir directors are cordially invited to sing choral masterworks with the Rochester Oratorio Society for only a short time commitment. These teachers are encouraged to bring with them one (or more!) of their students to share in the experience. ROS will provide a letter of support toward continuing education credits.
How does the program work?
Select the concert cycle(s) in which you would like to participate: November, December, March and/or May. Attendance is expected at all Monday rehearsals 7:00pm-9:30pm. (One excused absence is acceptable.) Sing in the final performance(s).
How can I apply?
E-mail the Rochester Oratorio Society Office at info@rossings.org, or call us at (585) 473-2234. Please indicate Choral Scholar or Choral Fellow in the e-mail subject line.